Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The American Dream...

Heart pumpin' jam: Speaker Pelosi and Rep. Lamar Smith's remarks on the Dream Act, legislation to give a limited population of young people a path to legal U.S. citizenship... and the final vote. No, that's not a song. That's C-SPAN people.
Weight: Not weighing myself today. The scale and I need a day apart.
Pants Size: 14
Treadmill: 0. Elliptical: 3,000 rotations. Bike: 2.2 miles.
Breakfast: Venti Skim Pumpkin Spice latte, garlic bagel w/ fat free cream cheese
Lunch: Chicken Caesar salad... no caesar dressing... balsamic vinegarette instead.
Dinner: Mixed greens, cup of lean taco meet, 1/4 of an avocado, tomatoes, a little bit of 2% cheddar, 1 tbsp. catalina dressing, 1 tbsp. ranch dressing.
Water: At least 80 ounces. Woot woot!

Let me just start by saying that tonight was a big win on the work front... the House passed the Dream Act to allow a very limited group of young people living in the U.S. and pursuing a college education or serving in the military a legal path to U.S. citizenship.. to... wait for it, wait for it... have a shot at the American dream. So, no workout music tonight... just C-SPAN-- the debate and the final vote. Now, eyes are on the Senate... as they usually are. To borrow the words from a sign a student at the University of Texas was holding outside the federal building in Austin a few weeks ago: Let them dream. Let them serve. Let them be free. The comments on my boss' Facebook page after 'he' posted that he voted for the bill are really inspiring... a lot of college students who have said, "Congressman, thank you for this opportunity. We won't let you down. You'll never be disappointed in this decision." Wow, chills.

But, with all this going on, I didn't get home until 8:15... so convincing myself I wanted to go to the gym was definitely an uphill battle. But, I tried not to think of it for very long and just get my pink Nikes on and go, go, go. So I went, went, went.

I really didn't want to push the shin splints thing again today-- I know I need to let those muscles rest. So, the elliptical and I went on another date... a slightly longer date than last night. Just over 2 miles longer. But I got there... and then I actually felt a little motiviated so I introduced myself to the bike. We've never really met before. I have to say, the bike is kind of easy... slutty easy. 2.2 miles came pret-ty easy. Before I knew it, my 45 minutes at the gym was o-v-e-r and I was g-l-a-d.

I know I need to step it up soon... but tonight, I'll just basque in the glory of getting through Day 7.

I also stepped up the H20 intake. My bladder was more than aware of this change. I became intimately acquainted with the bathroom today... about 10 times. Noticeable difference in my energy level though. I think the water and I will continue this new journey together. And, the bathroom can come along too! Yay for us!

I'm still feeling a little guilty about that aforementioned bagel. Just sayin'.

Before I leave you for the night, I have to say that John and I got into a debate. I don't call them fights. Because they're not really fights. They stem from reviewing what legislation I worked on today... and then it turns into a larger discussion about politics. Tonight, the failings of immigration policy in the United States. It gets heated. I get mad. I say I'm not going to talk about it anymore. It's similar to discussions with my Dad. I know it shouldn't get me down, because it's politics... but when your whole day is politics and working to make things better (or, at least in your head better), it'd be nice if someone would agree with one thing I agreed in. Or, maybe just to feel like he saw something through my eyes.


I guess I'm in the wrong line of work.

Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer! In other cute news, John went to the doctor today and spent 30 minutes reading a pregnancy magazine. He was very excited to learn about some maternity clothes rental service... and a little bummed to read about post-partum in fathers. No, I am not pregnant. Ha. Which makes this all even funnier.

Okay, so I'm pretty exhausted. Over and out.

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