Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pump, pump, pump it up!

Weight: 185!
Pants size: 12.
Heart pumpin' jam: Random iPhone mix from Mumford and Sons to Eminem
Elliptical: 4,200 rotations.
Breakfast: Hot lemon water, activa yogurt, water, grapes.
Lunch: Well, it was the long-belated holiday lunch at a local Capitol Hill thai place... I was a little worried how I could just pretend to eat something, but I found a dish with chicken, basil, broccoli, carrots, peppers, garlic, and fresh chili in white wine... and I didn't have any rice. So, that can't be too bad. Right?
Snack: Pear, probiotic cottage cheese.
Dinner: Roasted cauliflower, Ahi-Tuna steak... wait, did someone say steak? Noooo. Water.

I didn't drink enough green tea today, but really, that's the only thing that I even remotely feel guilty about. But, I mean, again... there are some little speed bumps along this road to go from fat to fab, but we're stilllllllllllllll truckin'.

I also have to be honest that I wasn't going to blog tonight because I was supposed to get the new website designs to review tonight... and in my world, that's like Christmas morning. But, unfortunately, no website designs. Maybe COB means 11 pm to the website company? Who knows. So instead of Christmas morning, I get to revel in my workout routine and hunger.

Actually, I'm not that hungry today. I did wake up in the middle of the night... but instead of tearing apart the house looking for something with carbs or sugar, I was craving a nutri-grain bar. Yes, a nutri-grain bar. Still not allowed on Day 8 of the 17 day diet, but I mean... it's not a peanut butter cup or a spoonful of the frosting that had been buried in the back of my fridge for months until I threw it away last weekend (sad face). I ate it in what I think was one bite, too. But I only had one, and I promise you I will not wake up in the middle of the night and eat another nutri-grain bar.

AND... get this.

Since I went out to eat and felt ever-so-slight-pangs-of-guilt (even though what I ate nowhere near resembled a hamburger or cream-based salad dressing)... I did 4,200 rotations on the elliptical instead of my normal 3,000. It wasn't that bad, either. Ok, it wasn't great. But, I did it. I also realized that I have developed a trick on the elliptical that I will share with you.

My elliptical has a few different windows where you can track your progress in different ways-- one on the left, one on the right. I always leave the one on the righthand side set to calories per minute (and I try to keep it above 10.0 at all times). On the left, you can switch between time you've been ellipticaling, rotations, and total calories burned. If I set little goals for myself throughout my elliptical-ing experience, I don't have as hard of a time getting through it. For example, for the first few minutes, I just try to get it up to 50.0 calories burned. Then, I switch to rotations and count 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 for a few hundred rotations. Then, I watch the time and try to make it just another 3 minutes. Then I go back and do it over again. By the time you've set enough little goals in your head and reached them, your workout is over. I know it sounds ridiculous, but sometimes, I just don't want to be on there for so long... and if I start at 0 rotations and know that I want to get 4,200, watching just that number can be borderline maddening.

So, try it... and get back to me. I DARE you to tell me it doesn't make it easier.

John said today that he sees me every day, so he can't tell that I've lost 15 pounds since this journey began, but he can tell a difference in the way I carry myself and my mood. He said I seem happier, or more confident or something. I was pretty confident before... delusional... but still confident... so evidently I'm going to be a skinny bi-atch!


So, until tomorrow...


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