Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I would have gone with Bob and Jillian.

Weight: 189 pounds (!!!)
Pants size: 14, I plan to try on a size 12 on the last day of the 17 day diet.
Heart Pumpin' Jam: Chicago is So Two Years Ago, Fall Out Boy.
Treadmill: 0, Elliptical: 3,000 rotations, Bike: 0.
Breakfast: Hot cup of lemon water, activia yogurt, green tea.
Snack: Apple.
Lunch: Big leafy salad w/ fat free italian dressing, carrots, mushrooms, and tuna.
Snack: Pear, probiotic cottage cheese, green tea.
Dinner: Garlic/lemon baked salmon, brussel spouts, and salad with a tiny bit of 2% cheese, red peppers, cucumbers, and 1 1/2 tbsp of blue cheese vinegarette.
Water: Plenty!

I lost 4 pounds in a day. Actually, it might even be more like 5 given that I always estimate down a tiny bit when I weigh myself. I'm like the boy who cried wolf-- except I'm the girl who cried skinny. But seriously, 4-5 pounds in a day? I'm hoping this isn't some strange fluke and tomorrow I'll gain 12 pounds, but if this is real, this Dr. Moreno who wrote the 17-day diet deserves a medal. In fact, I may convince the Congressman to write a resolution honoring his genius. We'll give it a couple more days before I decide if it's really working, but this is some good progress.

But let me back up.

Now, I have to be honest. Full disclosure, right? I got to work at 8:15 today. I left work at 7:05. And it wasn't a good day at all. Everyone was crabby-- and Rachel Maddow never called me back. It's funny how when someone doesn't call me back, it can turn my entire day into a big failure. When I got home, I had a headache. And, John had wonderfully already prepared a nutritious dinner. So, I was making a deal with myself to not go to the gym. I mean I shouldn't have to elliptical when I have a headache, right? So, I decided... no gym. But then I decided to get on the scale. This is when I made my big discovery. Hello motivation! But I wasn't convinced. Then, when I turned on the TV, I made another motivating discovery: Season 11 of the Biggest Loser. That's right, after only a few weeks, I've got a whole new season to enjoy! It's always better when the contestants are still far bigger than I am, too. I tell yah, if I could get one of those 400 pound guys to run next to me on the treadmill, I think my shin splints would be forever gone!

So, I changed from a sweatshirt to a t-shirt and I went. Nothing spectacular... just 3,000 rotations, or a little over 2 miles, but at least I went.

The other good news? I am currently watching my favorite show while blogging: Parenthood.

At least my Tuesday nights got brighter thanks to some good TV. I know, I know, I shouldn't be a couch potato, but old habits die hard... and I earned it!

You're totally going to run out and buy "The 17 Day Diet" now, aren't you? I'm telling you, it's not crazy like some other diets out there-- my friend Julia can tell you about when I tried South Beach for 2 days and almost passed out while counting the 11 almonds I was allowed to have as a snack. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little hungry... and I am not the biggest fan of the wake-up-to-a-hot-cup-of-sour-sour-lemon-water thing, but I'm getting by and I'm not totally miserable. I almost jumped across my desk when I realized tiny 96 pound Cameron had 2 large steaming pieces of cheese pizza (it actually pains me just to type that word), but I'm stiiiiiilllll truckin.

I have a feeling we're on the right track folks.

Till tomorrow, folks.

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