Thursday, January 20, 2011


Weight: 183 pounds-- AHHHHHHH!
Pants size: 12
Heart pumpin' jam: Matt Nathanson mix
Treadmill: 0. Elliptical: 5,250 rotations.
Breakfast: Hot lemon water. Activia yogurt. Apple. Green tea.
Lunch: Leftover 17-day diet turkey taco salad.
Snack: Clementine. Lots of water. Probiotic cottage cheese.
Dinner: 17-day diet garlic and lemon salmon and steamed broccoli.

For Pete's sake Dr. Moreno-- I have not lost any weight this week. Seriously. 0 pounds down. I am beyond frustrated. And I haven't cheated. In fact, I might have over-done it. But, I think that I might have an inkling what my problem is. I'll spare you of the details, but I have somewhat of a digestive issue that I thought was doing okay-- but let's just say, I haven't been okay since Sunday. Yes, Sunday. If you catch my drift, you feel my pain.

But come ON. I'm drinking tons and tons of water. I'm eating fruit. I'm working out. Inexplicable.

I was so frustrated that I did extra on the elliptical tonight-- much to the dismay of the girl on the treadmill next to me who was anxiously waiting for me to get off. Little did she know I've become more athletic than I look. Ha.

So, that's where we are. Hopefully I'll have good news to report tomorrow.

I'm sorry this blog entry was so unentertaining. I'm too frustrated to type.

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