Friday, February 4, 2011


I'm going to Zumba tomorrow by myself... because the stupid Y wouldn't let me try a body pump class with Julia. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Sometimes I have a touch of dyslexia... note Tuesday's blog post has been corrected to say 178 pounds... not 187 pounds. Thank GOD.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I want a Biggest Loser transformation moment.

Weight: 178 pounds. (CORRECTED)
Pants size: 12
Elliptical: 3,500 rotations (20 minutes). Leg press machine, arm weight thingy.
Breakfast: Hot lemon water. Activia yogurt. Green/white tea.
Snack: Pear. Water.
Lunch: Leftover stir fry.
Snack: Sugar-free vanilla, skim latte.
Dinner: 17-day diet taco salad w/ ground turkey.

I'm not nearly as sore as I thought I would be-- but that just means I didn't do enough. I can tell I'll be worse tomorrow-- I added 5 pounds to the leg weights and did a few more reps. Finishing up on the elliptical was pretty hard because my legs were on fire almost the whole time. It felt like someone had tied weights to them. Seriously. The only thing that kept me going was the overweight woman who was stalking my progress. Every minute and a half, she would look over to see how many calories I had burned, or how long I had been on there. I couldn't tell if she was jealous or was thinking I needed to do whatever I was doing for much much longer. Whatever, lady.

Lee Ann did Zumba tonight and loved it... I'm jealous. I think I would love it too. I just did a little research and discovered you can burn 650-1,000 calories in one class. Are you kidding me? Sign me up. I'm looking into it now!

Other than that, I'm signing off to watch Parenthood.

Until next time lovelies!


Monday, January 31, 2011

They're gonna start callin' me slim.

Weight: 178 pounds.
Pants size: 12.
Heart Pumpin' Jam: All Been Said Before. Matt Nathanson.
Elliptical: 3,000 rotations-- AND lunges, free weights, leg machine, arm machine (i.e., I will not be able to walk tomorrow).
Breakfast: Hot lemon water; activia yogurt, grapes, water.
Lunch: Leafy salad w/ a few pieces of grilled chicken & fat free ranch, pear.
Dinner: Shrimp stir fry w/ lite soy sauce and tons of veggies.

So, as I mentioned... I was sick last week. And then, there was a snow storm. I didn't go to work 3 days-- and then by Friday, I just thought if I can keep up the eating right, I could wait until Monday to go to the gym. It wasn't really an internal battle-- I don't argue with myself about not going to the gym. BUT, here's one for you... I lost more weight last week not going to the gym than I did two weeks ago when I went every day. Sick. Lame. There are not enough adjectives in the world to describe exactly how much bullsh*t that really is.

But, I'm not asking any questions. I'm just going with it-- and maybe I've surpassed some invisible wall that I felt like I hit before. Because I'm in the 170s. And today when I was at the gym doing weights and looking at myself from the side in the mirror, I could TOTALLY tell a difference. That's motivation enough.

But, I won't be able to walk tomorrow... actually, I'll be able to walk. Just not down the stairs. Or up the stairs. Or sideways. I might not be able to sit. That's right... I reintroduced myself to the weights that I haven't hung out with since I had a personal trainer a few years back that was an underwear/speedo model who got pleasure out of my pain. Never in my life have I hated someone who was so good looking-- but I hated him. How can someone with 12-pack abs yell at a chubby girl to run faster? It's just cruel. But anyway... I read an article last week about how the biggest mistake women make at the gym is thinking that cardio alone can help them lose a lot of weight quickly. The truth of the matter is that you have to do at least 3 days of strength training with cardio to lose that kind of weight. And, we all know I wasn't doing that. So, I've gotta change that. Tonight was night 1. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully it'll make a difference. If I could lose another 20 pounds this month, I'd be well on my way!

In other news, my niece Charley Sophia Dohl was born on January 27th. She weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces, and no one can still tell us how long she was. She came just a little bit early because her Mama was having some blood pressure issues, but all is well. They went home tonight. Unfortunately, because of last week's commute-ageddon snow storm, my parents couldn't get out-- but they were originally booked to leave this Wednesday. Now, with superstorm #2 on it's way here, it's looking a little dicey for them getting out. Worst case scenario? They would get out of here, get to Dallas and not be able to get El Paso-- and be stuck in Dallas the weekend of the superbowl and not be able to get a hotel. Not to mention they'd be stuck there will thousands of stupid Green Bay Packers fans. Gross. So everyone cross your fingers and I'll keep you in the loop.

I'm trying to figure out how to find a work out class that can take some of the burden off my self-motivation and make a big difference. The key? I don't get home from work until 8pm typically. I don't want to wake up before 10:30 on Saturday. I work on Capitol Hill and I live in Fairfax. And I take the metro-- until John gets me at Vienna, I have no car. I know, tricky tricky. I'll figure it out. If I have one more week where I go to the gym and don't lose any weight, that'll be it... I'll call the underwear/speedo devil and see what he's up to these days.

Now, I'll leave you with the YouTube clip that is the shining moment of my day... just watch Hilary's face.... and I have no words when it comes to Joe Biden. Oh Joe, you're my favorite.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I want peanut butter and jelly.

I haven't disappeared. I'm just not feeling well- took a sick day. So while I would love to blog about my fantastic gym experience, I have no fantastic gym experience to blog about...

Now, if you'd like to hear about the wonderful day I spent on the couch working and watching the Weather Channel, I could dig it. :)

Be back later this week!

I think Mizzzz Quinn and I are going to start going to some power train class on Sunday evenings. More about that later.

Good eating lately, 181 pounds.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Weight: 183 pounds-- AHHHHHHH!
Pants size: 12
Heart pumpin' jam: Matt Nathanson mix
Treadmill: 0. Elliptical: 5,250 rotations.
Breakfast: Hot lemon water. Activia yogurt. Apple. Green tea.
Lunch: Leftover 17-day diet turkey taco salad.
Snack: Clementine. Lots of water. Probiotic cottage cheese.
Dinner: 17-day diet garlic and lemon salmon and steamed broccoli.

For Pete's sake Dr. Moreno-- I have not lost any weight this week. Seriously. 0 pounds down. I am beyond frustrated. And I haven't cheated. In fact, I might have over-done it. But, I think that I might have an inkling what my problem is. I'll spare you of the details, but I have somewhat of a digestive issue that I thought was doing okay-- but let's just say, I haven't been okay since Sunday. Yes, Sunday. If you catch my drift, you feel my pain.

But come ON. I'm drinking tons and tons of water. I'm eating fruit. I'm working out. Inexplicable.

I was so frustrated that I did extra on the elliptical tonight-- much to the dismay of the girl on the treadmill next to me who was anxiously waiting for me to get off. Little did she know I've become more athletic than I look. Ha.

So, that's where we are. Hopefully I'll have good news to report tomorrow.

I'm sorry this blog entry was so unentertaining. I'm too frustrated to type.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feeling a little discouraged.

Weight: 183 pounds-- hence the title.
Pants size: 12
Heart pumpin' jam: Going back to basics... Evacuate the Treadmill. Cascada (or something like that).
Breakfast: Hot lemon water. Activia yogurt. Green tea. Apple.
Lunch: Probiotic cottage cheese, grapes, tuna on a salad.
Dinner: 17-day diet turkey taco salad w/ fat free catalina dressing & three small pieces of avocado.
Treadmill (that's right, I said treadmill): 1.0 mile. Elliptical: 2,500 rotations.

Well, nobody said this was going to be easy... but I was under the impression I had lost 20 pounds on Monday. Turns out, I went to buy a new scale that is really throwing me for a loop... I think it's more like 17. But, since I thought I lost 17 pounds on Friday, I feel like I've either gained 3 pounds or took some sort of step backward-- into a big, fat wall.

I know that's absolutely ridiculous. 3 pounds is only 3 pounds, but I mean, I wanted to be upwards of 20 this week... not trying to make it to 20.

I know it's been a while since I blogged, too. So, I'll do a quick rundown:
Friday: No gym, went to see Gary at Chi-Cha lounge and had champagne... but ate healthy-- seared ahi tuna on seaweed salad, grilled shrimp lettuce wrap things (no rice or anything like that... but a little avocado).
Saturday: Ate healthy, but... too much wine.
Sunday: Again, ate healthy thanks to Mom-- the only downfall was a beer & a low-carb, high fiber tortilla.
Monday: Again, totally healthy... and went to the gym! 5,000 rotations on the elliptical.
Tuesday: Back on track on the 17 day diet completely... 5,000 rotations on the elliptical.

And that brings us to today. Today should have been the last day of the 17 day diet. Drum roll please...

But, since I'm feeling a little discouraged and a little worried about the 2nd cycle of it, I'm going to do it for a little while longer. In fact, I think I might do another 17 days. My co-workers will be SO disappointed. Every day, I come into work and the first question is, "What day is this?!"

They're going to question my math skills when I keep going. Maybe they'll just stop asking.

But, I want to lose a lot of weight... and I don't feel like I have a handle on the eating yet. I think I'm on the right track... just not there yet. So, ugh... 17 more days? I'm not going to lie... I'm going to keep drinking wine on the weekends, but I'm going to really try to keep going on the diet. As Dr. Moreno says, "Anyone can do anything for 17 days." I wonder if he thinks anyone can do anything for 34 days. Jerk.

In other news? I think I'm going to convince the Congressman to write a law to ban the watching of the Food Network (more specifically, Paula Dean frying sticks of butter y'all) at the gym. Who in the world would want to torture themselves with Food Network while on the treadmill? That's just sick. I think we must stop this practice immediately. But no, we have to waste our days debating purely symbolic repeals of health reform. Okay, okay... no more politics.

But seriously, my feet just felt heavier while watching my long-lost Grandmother Paula Dean. She by no means is a small woman, but how is she not 850 pounds? Ugh, I wish I had those genes. But, as soon as I figured that no one would actually admit they were watching it, I changed the channel and got through the last of my workout.

I also decided to have a friendly visit with the treadmill. No shin splits until the very end of the mile. But man, the elliptical was a LOT harder after that 13 minute mile. I thought about those three pounds I've convinced myself I've gained the whole time to make it through-- and then I considered working out ALL night long. Seriously, I'm becoming a little obsessive about it.

So, this is my plan.

I cannot take 3 day weekends off from the gym.
I cannot have a hand full of goldfish after I have a glass-too-many-of wine.
I cannot take Wednesday or Thursday off from the gym.
I cannot eat too little-- I know that my body will panic and start storing everything away.
I also have to somehow get over being panic-y about moving on from the first 17 days... I know that's not healthy either. But there's something about seeing results that makes you never want to go back to being the old way again...

Don't worry... I won't leave you for so long again. And hopefully, I'll have good news by Friday.

PS. Can you BELIEVE the Bears are playing the Packers this weekend to get to the Superbowl? I can barely function when I think about it for more than a second. I also am a little po-ed that Jay Cutler is dating Kristin from Laguna Beach... not sure why. Get it together, Jay.

;) Love, S.