Friday, February 4, 2011


I'm going to Zumba tomorrow by myself... because the stupid Y wouldn't let me try a body pump class with Julia. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Sometimes I have a touch of dyslexia... note Tuesday's blog post has been corrected to say 178 pounds... not 187 pounds. Thank GOD.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I want a Biggest Loser transformation moment.

Weight: 178 pounds. (CORRECTED)
Pants size: 12
Elliptical: 3,500 rotations (20 minutes). Leg press machine, arm weight thingy.
Breakfast: Hot lemon water. Activia yogurt. Green/white tea.
Snack: Pear. Water.
Lunch: Leftover stir fry.
Snack: Sugar-free vanilla, skim latte.
Dinner: 17-day diet taco salad w/ ground turkey.

I'm not nearly as sore as I thought I would be-- but that just means I didn't do enough. I can tell I'll be worse tomorrow-- I added 5 pounds to the leg weights and did a few more reps. Finishing up on the elliptical was pretty hard because my legs were on fire almost the whole time. It felt like someone had tied weights to them. Seriously. The only thing that kept me going was the overweight woman who was stalking my progress. Every minute and a half, she would look over to see how many calories I had burned, or how long I had been on there. I couldn't tell if she was jealous or was thinking I needed to do whatever I was doing for much much longer. Whatever, lady.

Lee Ann did Zumba tonight and loved it... I'm jealous. I think I would love it too. I just did a little research and discovered you can burn 650-1,000 calories in one class. Are you kidding me? Sign me up. I'm looking into it now!

Other than that, I'm signing off to watch Parenthood.

Until next time lovelies!
